Have you ever imagine things inside
your house in English? It must be fun, let’s
figure it out!
There are 4 main rooms in the house;
living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. Here are the explanations :
room = a room in a house for general and informal everyday use.
= a room or area where food is prepared and
= a room for sleeping in.
= a room containing a toilet and sink and typically also a bathtub or shower.
A. Here are some
vocabularies that you have to know about things at home
Things in the living room
Things in the Bedroom
- Sofa = Sofa
- Television = Televisi
- Vase = Vas bunga
- Table lamp = Lampu meja
- Frame = Bingkai foto
- Clock = Jam
- Picture = Foto
- Carpet = Karpet
- Door = Pintu
- Newspaper = Koran
- Bed = Kasur
- Pillow = Bantal
- Bolster = Bantal guling
- Blanket = Selimut
- Bed sheet = Sprei
- Praying mat = Sajadah
- Table = meja
- Chair = kursi
- Cupboard = Lemari
- Hanger = Gantungan baju
Things in the
Things in the
- Stove = Kompor
- Frying pan = wajan penggorengan
- Rice cooker = Penanak nasi
- Knife = Pisau
- Oven = Oven
- Refrigerator = Kulkas
- Sink = Tempat cuci piring
- Teapot = Teko
- Trash can = Tempat cuci piring
- Broom = Sapu
- Towel = Handuk
- Bath tub = Bak mandi
- Closet = Kloset
- Shower = Penyiram
- Toothbrush = Sikat gigi
- Tooth paste = Pasta gigi
- Soap = Sabun
- Pail = Ember
- Shampoo = Sampo
- Hair dryer = Pengering rambut
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Bab 7 My House (Rumahku) by Anonymous sGHZivu on Scribd
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